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Nature's Gentle Reminders

Writer's picture: Melanie Grime RHNMelanie Grime RHN

In the last week I have been given 2 beautiful reminders while out for a walk with my dog Scout. I try to get out on nature trails with him as much as I can as I find nature so grounding & healing for me.

I have hiked this particular trail 100s of times in the last few years but this one day was different. I turned a corner and saw Scout stopped in the middle of the path, looking up I saw there was a deer standing on the path a few feet in front of us. Despite the number of times I have walked this trail, I have never seen a deer on this path before & the 3 of us stood silently just looking at each other for a couple of minutes before the deer turned and moved away.

When these things happen I know they are there as a sign for me and as I carried on with our walk, the vision of that beautiful deer stayed with me. What kept coming up for me was to “carry on down the path” but something also kept telling me to “ask Carley”. Carley Johnson is a dear friend who has a beautiful connection with animals and nature, and I knew I had to ask her for a clearer message. 

Part of what she shared with me was to “Stop doubting your path and all that comes with it. A mama deer knows how to lead her babies. She would never question if she’s going the right way. She just walks.”

That was a message I needed to hear that day, the 2 weeks prior I had started falling into the old trap of self-doubt that I always used to struggle with & was feeling stuck. This gave me the push that I needed to reset and turn the self-doubt into self-belief.

I have been away camping so today was my first day back on that trail with Scout since seeing the deer and what do I see today but a monarch butterfly, on the path, in the same spot where the deer had been standing!!! Now some of you may think this is just a coincidence but I take this as an even bigger sign that I am on the right path. 

I know that butterflies are a sign of transformation and growth and I took this as another message (or gentle nudge) from the universe to have faith in my journey and the path that I am on and to embrace change. 

I wanted to share these beautiful signs I have received with you as a reminder that the signs are there, inside of you, all around you, you just need to be open & looking to find them.

What signs are showing up for you recently?

Mel x 



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