Self-doubt has been a very close friend of mine for much of my life. That little voice used to have control over me. You know the one that says, “You’re not good enough," “What if you fail?” or “Why would anyone listen to you?”.
For years, it showed up every time I wanted to take a big step - whether it was starting something new, sharing my ideas, or even just speaking up. I let it hold me back more times than I can count. I’d convince myself to play small, stay comfortable, and avoid the risk of failing or being judged.
But here’s what I’ve learned: self-doubt doesn’t mean you’re not capable - it just means you’re human.
I’ve had to work really hard to understand that self-doubt isn’t a sign that I’m unworthy; it’s simply fear talking. It’s my mind trying to protect me from risk, from rejection, from getting hurt. It’s not always easy to quiet that voice, but I am discovering ways to move through it.
When I hear that voice of self-doubt creep in, I ask myself, “Is this thought actually true? Or is it just fear speaking?” Often, the answer is very clear.
I think back to all the moments I doubted myself and did it anyway - and how those moments shaped my life. The picture above is of me during the very first day retreat I offered. I remember the voices of self-doubt being so loud but I moved forward anyway and it has led me to so many magical people & opportunities as a result.
I let myself feel the fear, but I don’t let it stop me. Fear doesn’t have to mean “stop”, sometimes it’s just a sign that you care about what you’re doing.
The truth is, self-doubt hasn’t gone away entirely. But I’ve learned to coexist with it. I’ve learned to take its presence as a sign that I’m growing, evolving, that I’m stepping into something new & that I’m pushing past my comfort zone.
If you’re feeling stuck in self-doubt, I want you to know you’re not alone - and you’re not broken. You’re simply human. Keep taking those small, brave steps forward. Every time you do, you’re proving to yourself that self-doubt doesn’t get the final say.
Have you struggled with self-doubt? What helps you work through it? Hit reply & let me know. Let’s share and support each other.
Mel x